Saturday, December 19, 2009

wave motion

in this country
the cruellest month is November

why then, we've passed it long ago,
already counting days till Christmas
and I'm still dwelling
at the bottom of the wave
and they're getting deeper
each year and every day

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


in yellow dresses
rake competing with leaves

October sun

October sun slowly climbing
above the misty clouds
porches in need of winter-clearance

I think my haikus are too long. This one I tried to separate in five lines as if it could rather have been a tanka (though I don't know if that matters in contemporary English tanka) but it didn't work that well. My Finnish poems usually turn into being tankas, and then always written in five lines with exactly the right number of syllables. I still have some studying and practising in writing Japanese style poetry in English and actually I haven't yet practised a lot...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am not afraid

I am not afraid of water
not anymore
and almost not at all


true princesses

do true princesses
respect window sills
or conquer them like mine


Friday, June 26, 2009

today by the river

what else is needed
than a cherished place
where eyes rest


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Scotch rose

          promises in buds
          in fields and in dreams
          reaching the skies

Scotch rose Rosa pimpinellifolia 'Plena'

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

lazy morning

lazy morning
stayed until
afternoon was ripe

I wonder if this is a haiku. I should probably study English haiku and tanka writing as well as English syllables to know... I already learnt that the counting of syllables is not that strict in English tanka and haiku writing.

Edit. 09/06/09. I have edited this poem twice and taken off "useless" words.

Friday, June 05, 2009

mummy's best friend

Tantrum after tantrum
      "mummy's stupid"
              she says.
Sometime between them
the sweetest angel
showing me four fingers
and asking
      "am I this old, mummy?"
Terrible twos
                    terrible threes.
Giving me as many hugs
as the fingers she's showing.
Telling me
      "you're my best friend, mummy".

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I tried hard not to notice it
but I failed.
Hid my eyes behind dark glasses
but could not avoid seeing the light.
I had to give up my longjohns,
start scraping the lawn with my rake
and admit it.
Even if I were not ready for it
the nature is.
Spring has arrived.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Anxiety fills my heart.
Before I was a mother
little did I know about it.

Now, the joy and pain all mine,
to be carried with me
for the rest of my life.

Since though I no longer carry them
forever will they remain in me
and I will carry on
in my heart.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

mind's pictures

Is there a greater pain 
than that of a mother
wishing all the good of the world 
for her child 
but fearing for the worst of worst
hoping to have the ability 
not to let the mind 
draw its obscure pictures 
but to stick to the facts.